Franklin Street Temporary Single Lane Closure
Published on February 9, 2020
Weather permitting, beginning Wednesday, February 26, and continuing for the next three to four weeks, contractors will begin work on Franklin Street between Lowell Avenue and Governor’s Drive to extend the right turn lane.
The contractor will install a temporary single lane closure on Franklin St. between Lowell Ave. and Governor’s Dr. This work will be performed between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily. Motorists should expect delays during these hours.
Traffic Control measures will be in place to help assist traffic. Motorists are highly encouraged to take alternate routes to avoid traffic congestion.
If you need any additional information or have further questions, please contact Jacob Stephens with the City of Huntsville Engineering Department at 256-427-5300.
Franklin Street Project: The City is extending the existing right-hand turn lane back to the entrance of the Huntsville Hospital Heart Center. This includes drainage and sidewalk work in addition to new curb and paving.